Wilson's Warbler at Robert King High

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Posted by Joe MDO on September 28, 2019 at 03:17:43

I did some birding after work today, visiting Blue Lakes Park (a pretty basic county park-- current ebird hotspot species count is 49), a random residential spot on my commute that was holding a black-throated green and Robert King High Park (near Flagler and 70th avenue) after picking up my camera at home. Robert King High was pretty birdy... 9 warbler species in under an hour. I was really disappointed to not spend more time looking around since I missed easy warblers including northern parula, black-throated blue, northern waterthrush and worm-eating warbler which are usually around. Here is a link to some photos of the Wilson's, a couple other birds and also a very interestingly colored brown anole I saw at Blue Lakes Park: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations?on=2019-09-27&place_id=any&subview=grid&user_id=joemdo&verifiable=any

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