Posted by Joseph Montes de Oca on August 05, 2019 at 22:09:03
A nice read... lots of other gems if you poke around a bit on the site. "Bird Visitors and Northeast Winds" Species mentioned include: dovekie, western palm warblers, myrtle warblers, red-breasted mergansers, brants, chipping sparrow, old squaw (long-tailed duck), and.... a starling! The author mentions how it seems as though they've been reluctant to spread! Another read from the same journal mentions a few other species and a panther sighting: And lastly one that mostly describes glossy ibis occurrence: In that last one there's mention of a "fire tower" south of Tamiami Trail, which led me to google search "fire tower everglades." Found a New York Times article from 1964 when Shark Valley opened: Hope you enjoy these great reads! -Joe MDO