Indian Peafowl and Mallard Ducks in eBird

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Posted by Robin Diaz on June 04, 2017 at 15:11:45

eBirders - The eBird term "Domestic type" recently changed regarding Indian Peafowl and Mallard Ducks. Actually, this change isn't new but rather, reverts to eBird protocol prior to January 2016. eBird wishes to adhere strictly to the definition of "domestic" for these two species, which are all-white or aviculture birds. The filters for "Domestic type" will be set to zero, indicating that confirmation of the sighting is necessary, preferably with a photo. Indian Peafowl: Unless the bird is all-white or mostly white, the species is entered into eBird as "Indian Peafowl." Currently, there aren't any reported all-white birds in Miami-Dade County. Mallard: If the duck looks like a typical Mallard, it's entered into eBird as "Mallard" or "Mallard (Northern)" even if feral. The all-white or aviculture ducks include Pekin, Crested Pekin, Indian Runner, Call, Khaki Campbell or various combinations. (Black and white ducks are usually not Muscovy X Mallard hybrids, as they rarely try to interbreed and produce sterile offspring. The Moulard (or Mulard) Duck is in a separte genus and another topic!) It's confusing to say the least so eBirders, just think of "domestic" ducks and peafowl as all-white aviculture birds. Thank you!

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