Smooth-billed Ani at Big Cypress National Preserve
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Posted by David True on January 13, 2017 at 01:30:22

On the wire about a 1/2 mile to 1/4 mile from the intersection of Wagon Wheel Road and Birdon Road. What we thought was a grackle became evident that it was an ani when we drove past it slowly on the road. We immediately stopped the car and started taking pictures of the bird out of the windows. Large bill and long, floppy tail let us know that it was an ani. Through our optics we couldn't find any grooves on the bill. The photos don't show any grooves. The pictures also show a strong angle on the lower bill. The bird was flushed about a minute later when a speeding car drove past us. We didn't refind the bird although I suspect that it is still in the brush along the road and canal.
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