Winter Raptor Survey
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Posted by Steve Walter on December 23, 2016 at 01:00:13

On December 13, I conducted a winter raptor survey through parts of Palm Beach and Hendry counties (took a few days to compile). This is the third year that I've done it and entered my data at the Hawk Migration Association web site ( Seeing that mine are the only entries for a southern tier state -- where a lot of raptors go to winter -- I thought I'd share my results here, maybe encouraging others to try a route.
The route that I do covers about 45 miles of roads, mostly along Miami Canal and Blumberg Roads. This is open country, most of it agricultural. Power lines along the way concentrate many of the hawks. Results were:
Black Vulture - 69
Turkey Vulture - 322
Osprey - 8
Northern Harrier - 23
Bald Eagle - 3
White-tailed Kite - 5
Cooper's Hawk - 4
Red-shouldered Hawk - 22
Red-tailed Hawk - 21
Swainson's Hawk - 13
Crested Caracara - 5
American Kestrel - 87
Peregrine Falcon - 9
Barn Owl - 3
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