Wakodahatchee - Bald eagle chasing osprey for fish
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Posted by Justin Miller on December 20, 2016 at 16:56:38

Nothing 'rare' to report - but it was cool for me, as in PB county we don't see that many eagles...and in particular, very rarely at Wakodahatchee. Ospreys are very common there, and I like to photograph them fishing...Saturday, I heard an osprey calling out bloody murder somewhere behind and over me, so I turned to see why he was calling in such a panic - I saw a larger bird chasing him...turned out to be a bald eagle hot on his tail. The eagle followed the osprey all the way over the park and off to the west out of sight - I actually didn't see why the eagle was chasing the osprey until I reviewed the photos back home and zoomed in to see the osprey was holding a half-eaten fish in his talons.
I thought it was a pretty cool thing to see - so thought I'd share it. I also included one more closer shot of the eagle.
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