Posted by Larry Manfredi on October 16, 2016 at 14:18:48
Lucky Hammock lived up to it's name early this morning. I had some good birds there starting at dawn. I had a Merlin on the main road perched on a snag. I then parked by the yellow gate and walked my way to Lucky Hammock. I had Bobolinks flying over and several Blue Grosbeaks on the north side of Lucky Hammock. Also present were Indigo Bunting and Painted Bunting.
At Lucky Hammock I had a Bell's Vireo soon followed by a second Bell's Vireo. Both birds were at the northeast corner of the hammock. By the time I left one bird was still near the northeast corner while the other worked it's way over to the southeast corner. There was a calling Alder Flycatcher near the southeast corner in a small Florida Trema bush. This bird has been present for a couple of weeks now. It is getting late for one to still be present. I finally was able to get a photo of this shy bird! I also had: Common Yellowthroat, Palm Warbler, Prairie Warbler, Northern Waterthrush, Black-throated Blue Warbler, American Redstart, Yellow-breasted Chat. Not bad for a couple of hours birding.