Cape Florida: Another pulse of migrants
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Posted by Robin Diaz on April 09, 2016 at 17:28:03

Migration continues right on schedule in Bill Baggs Cape Florida SP. Another pulse of migrants showed up today helped by a NW wind or perhaps just right on time. I had 16 warbler species, most of them expected (105 Prairie Warblers!) on this date but a Tennessee Warbler seems early. To be fair, the Orange-crowned is a lingering wintering bird and Michael's Yellow-breasted Chat was heard only. The majority of warblers were adult males and many were singing. There are several large fruiting Strangler Figs that attract the birds and the Jamaican Dogwoods are starting to bloom.
Larger birds and swallows are also moving through and I had multiples of Barn Swallow, Common Nighthawk, Chuck-will's-widow, Yellow-billed Cuckoo and Scarlet Tanager (yesterday). I had the FOS (for me) Bobolinks early this morning. The most bizarre bird of the day was a Blue-gray Gnatcatcher! These guys have been gone from Cape Florida for several weeks.
A fresh Cuban Crescent was patrolling along the Nature Trail.
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