Possible American Pipits?

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Posted by Michael Vasi on November 20, 2015 at 14:42:54

This morning at Shark Valley I had a large flock of birds catch my attention. I didn't recognize the flight call nor the silhouette of the birds: they were too small for Common Grackles and were smaller than Red-winged Blackbirds. The flight pattern of the flock seemed novel to me, once more suggesting they were not blackbirds. The lighting was such that I couldn't make out any field marks. The flight calls seemed to match recordings I listened to off Xeno-canto.org. It seems as though there are no current sightings this far south on eBird, and although there are reports of pipits in November, I saw at least 60 and more likely 75 or more birds. I can't say I positively ID'd them and am not posting to eBird, but I wanted to see what people thought.

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