Posted by Justin Miller on January 01, 1970 at 00:00:00
It was a lovely day at both parks...indeed lots of diversity...and some very nice photographic opportunities. The painted buntings at Green Cay were away from the feeders when I was there, hitting the flowers along the entrance to the west - so they were able to be photographed in natural environments without the feeders. Blue-headed vireo and black-and-white warblers were all around, and very photographable in the cypress forest stretch. American bittern and least bittern both out and around...sora yes, though I didn't see the Virginia rail this time, after spotting him the week prior. The sapsucker male and female were each on separate trees, but one was on a tree just a foot from the boardwalk, and was completely comfortable at eye-level with passerby. Along the Green Cay main entrance, there were American redstarts, parulas, black-and-whites, pines, palms, yellow-rumpeds, blue-headed vireo, and even black-throated blue warblers which seems a little early for them at Green Cay. Everything on page one of my Wako gallery is from Saturday: