Posted by Tim Rodenkirk on January 01, 1970 at 00:00:00
My wife and I camped in Flamingo this past week. Just a couple notes- both Wed and Thursday saw and heard(calling) a beautiful male Hooded Warbler off the Gumbo limbo trail. When walking that trail an old overgrown road bisects it. On the right hand side a couple hundred yards down that road was the warbler both days. It was low in dense brush but popped up for me both days. On Thursday there was a bright male BT Blue on the Bear Lake trail maybe a mile from the main road. On Friday at dawn at the Pay-0h-kay overlook heard both whip-poor-will and chuck-wills-widow. At Lucky Hammock on way out saw 2 Scissor-tails and 3 Western Kingbirds on powerlines. We had a wonderful visit. Happy birding all, Tim Rodenkirk Headed back to OR