Posted by Toe on January 01, 1970 at 00:00:00
On a more serious note, one question this survey could answer, if enough birds are found, is what type of habitat they use during migration. We know what their breeding and wintering habitats are like, as we do for many other species of migrants. However, are Kirtland's like other warbler that use a variety of habitats, or are they more specific in their stopover sites? The Kirtland's this past February was found in habitat very similar to where they winter in the Bahamas. That plus the timing supports the theory that this bird could have wintered here. If Kirtland's are found during migration using a variety of habitats, that would support, although not prove, that the Kirtland's at Baggs was a wintering bird. I would suggest that Baggs be looked over very carefully next winter to see if this bird returns. That would be a real story if we were to have a wintering site for Kirtland's here in South Florida. OK, am I being narcissist again? Darn!