Posted by Donna Molfetto on January 01, 1970 at 00:00:00
Hey Jeanne, Amazing photos! If you want to add them to our Facebook page (search for "Miami Breeding Bird Atlas") that'd be great! Be sure to like the page and get other birders involved. The Osprey at Flamingo have been documented. The Egyptian Geese appear to be at Fairchild, am I correct? That's the 4th breeding record for the state and the second for Dade County (can you tell how far behind we are?)! The Woodpecker, Cardinals, and Blue Jays may all be useable; I just need a general location of where they were. For anyone else interested in contributing to the Atlas, it's a USGS citizen-science project that anyone can explore here: The photos are just a tool we use to confirm bird reports. So you don't /need/ a photo to contribute, just a location, date, and confident species ID.