Posted by Toe on January 01, 1970 at 00:00:00
In the past these fields would have hundreds of shorebirds, if not more. August 1, 2004 I hit those same fields and the numbers of Pectorals and Lesser Yellowlegs was impressive. I must have seen over 1,000 individuals. Larry found ~80 Uplands in those fields on another occasion, and in early September, 2010, on my way back from seeing Larry's Cuban Pewee at LPK, I counted 13 Buff-breasted Sandpipers at the intersection of 217 Ave. and 9336. Since then, with the loss of Cutler Wetlands, the racetrack fields, the Mt. Trashmore pond, the Hurricane Waste ponds, the VA Key sewage treatment ponds, and the Lucky Hammock fields, it's become almost impossible to find any significant number of shorebirds in Dade County.