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Posted by David S. on 21:52:51 04/25/14
Four members of the Bird Banding crew took kayaks to Indian Key to snorkel, bird and explore the island. Quite a few species were noted for just a 10-acre island about a mile SE from the main Keys.
Flock of 4 ducks (maybe Mallards?)
Double-crested Cormorants - 20
Laughing Gulls
Least Terns
Mourning Dove
Unidentified dove (go to Cape Florida Bird Banding site & look at Elianas' pictures)
Red-bellied Woodpecker
Gray Catbirds
Great-crested Flycatcher
Gray Kingbird
Northern Parulas
Magnolia Warbler
Black-throated Blue Warbler
Cape May Warblers
American Redstarts
Common Yellowthroats
Rose-breasted Grosbeak (male)
Red-wing Blackbirds (some nesting)
Common Grackle
European Starling
We only covered about half of the paths, so there may be some warblers that we missed.
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