Posted by Dylan on June 17, 2002 at 00:10:57:
On June 15 in overcast conditions, I saw a flycatcher at 70+/-m on the blocked off section of County road 939A on Sugarloaf Key. Though it was difficult to get a sharp view of the bird, I could discern a grayish nape and back that became progressively rustier towards tail. The vocalization that it made two or three times was a "kreep" call that to my ears sounded much like the Great-crested Flycatcher's call, but on the underparts of the bird I saw only whitish-gray. The shape of the bird, in addition to the call and plumage, seemed far to different from the Gray Kingbird for that to be an option. However, like the La Sagra's Flycatcher, I'm only a casual visitor to the area, so I was hoping that someone might be able to help me decide whether this is enough evidence to call the bird a La Sagra's Flycatcher, or if there is another possibility that I am overlooking. Thanks