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Posted by Jeanette on 03:53:30 11/13/13
In Reply to: Re: Female Ruby Throated Hummingbird posted by Nai
There are many flowers that attract hummingbirds. I am certain that Firespike is an excellent attractor as is Pavonia Bahamensis. I have had Firespike several years now and also gave a friend a number of these plants. The hummers consistently feed at both. I have a dwarf Firebush hybrid and it grew taller than my house. I have read that some of the hybrids do not produce nectar and the hummingbirds will not feed from them if this is true. That is why I recommended the native form. You can always keep it trimmed small as you like. I frequently get hummers that don't stay in my yard. I figure they are just passing through to another destination. It took two or three years before I saw them regularly.
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