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Posted by John Hutchison on 11:19:42 11/04/13
A group of 14 birders on Saturday Birded Green Cay, Wakodahatchee, and Loxahatchee. Total of 64 species. Highlights follow:
Green cay: Harrier (1) female,Greater Yelloelegs-(1) Purple Swamphen-(5) Sora-(3) Ruby Throated Hummingbird-(1)Brown Thrasher- (1), Ovenbird-(2), Tennessee Warbler-(2)
Wakodahatchee: Neotropic Comorant-(2), Black bellies whistling Ducks- (16) ,Black Cr Night Heron - (4). Purple Gallinule- ( 1) only. Good mixed warbler flock in live oaks.
After our always great TAS Lunch. Telling stories of shipwrecks, cannibalism and where we buy coffee.
Loxahatchee: Heat of the day was tough!!! We were rewarded with Barred Owls (2) and Sapsuckers (2)
Total Warbler Species-9
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