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Posted by Marcello Gomes on 12:00:59 10/20/13
Had a family member to meet in the afternoon in South Beach. Before that I drove to A.D. Barnes Park to find some of the good stuff birders in Miami always report about and while it could have been better it wasn't that bad.
This is what I got around the nature center area:
Tufted Titmouse singing moving from tree to tree
Rose-breasted Grosbeak - nice looks munching on a berry ( what type? ) don't know.
A few Worm-eating Warblers
White-Crowned Pigeon (way at the top and too skittish for a decent photo)
A male Prairie Warbler munching on insects (there may have been a couple)
Blue Jays (chasing hawk)
Northern Cardinal ( a few)
Northern Mockingbird
Lots of Blue-gray Gnatcatchers
Red-shouldered chasing smaller birds through the forest unsuccessfully
Ovenbird (one)
American Redstart - several mostly females and 1st year males
Saw NO small flycatchers whatsoever (either they are seen earlier in the day or simply they have moved on with migration).
No sight of Carolina Chickadee (or calling)
Wish I had more family members visiting Miami to give an excuse to go down there more often.
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