Wurdemann's/white morph/hybrid heron back at Wakodahatchee

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Posted by Justin Miller on 23:14:01 11/26/12

Just in case it hadn't been posted here (I've been out of country for 2 weeks and just got back to Wako this past weekend) the white plumed and whitish headed heron that was debated last winter at Wakodahatchee has returned and looks to be nesting again. This time, it's at the heron island to the northwest corner of the boardwalk loop, rather than the first islands in the main lake. She's again mating with a standard great blue heron.

Lots of sora over at Green Cay, along with the same persistent kestrel and red-shouldered hawk usually sitting 100 yards from eachother on opposing birdhouses. Also at green cay: pine warblers, lots of yellow-rumped & palm, northern parula, blue-headed vireo, and at least one purple swamphen.

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