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Posted by Toe on 22:27:07 04/25/05
I spent all day at a meeting in the Wyndham Hotel on Griffin and I-95. During the lunch break, I spent 15 minutes in the courtyard by the pool and got 12 warbler species. Good numbers of some. After the meeting ended late in the afternoon, I decided I wasn't going to let a fallout go to waste, so I headed to H.T. Birch. I arrived shortly before 7:00 pm. The place was alive with warblers. I added two more species, including a Swainson's, and also a Veery. 14 warbler species in an hour of birding. What's more, I haven't seen numbers like these since last October 16th. Many, many B-T Blues, Cape Mays, Ovenbirds in groups on the trail. You could hear the russel of he leaves all around you. Worm-eatings were distracting. Sure hope someone gets a chance to spend some real time birding there tomorrow. The wind has shifted and the birds looked like they were filling-up in preparation to leave tonight, but who knows. That many birds can't all leave at once I hope. Here's the "day's" list:
Black and White
Black-throated Blue
Cape May
Yellow Rump (what's it doing still here)
Northern Waterthrush
Common Yellowthroat
American Redstart
Non warblers: Veery
Good birding to all!
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