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Posted by Balladares on 11:28:13 11/19/04
The morning was beautiful today at Crandon Park. There many birds and the tide were low. It was a great day. Good luck to everyone out there.
1.Palm Warbler
2.Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
3.Turkey Vulture
4.N. Parula
5.Red-bellied Woodpecker
6.Double-crested Cormorant
8.Western Sandpiper
9.Piping Plover
10.Laughing Gull
11.Lesser Black-backed Gull (2)
12.Herring Gull
13.Semipalmated Plover
14.Black-bellied Plovers
15.Great Black-backed Gull (3)
16.Royal Tern
17.Wilson Plover (3)
19.Ruddy Turnstone
20.Dunlin (1)
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