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Posted by Holly on 18:19:38 01/22/12
Okay, I know that I am really reaching here - but in spite of logically knowing that the Bullock's is very rare here, and that there was a pair of Baltimore Orioles seen and (male) photographed just minutes before my sighting, I remain a little confused about my bird. This was at Green Cay Sunday am, BTW. The bird I saw had a yellowish head with a faint black eyeline, yellow undertail, and very light buffy sides (breast and front part of wing). I did not get a good look at the back, but the color of the head and sides were very clear and very yellow and buffy. The guides I consulted caution that a pale female Baltimore Oriole will resemble a Bullock's, but there is no mention of the paleness including a yellow head. I have never seen a bird with this color pattern before, and although it was probably a strange pale female Baltimore glowing in morning light, I just can't make the match. Any advice here?
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