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Posted by Bruce P on 10:27:18 01/11/12
Seems as if nearly every bird in the park - with the exception of the raptors - was gathered at the Willow Pond this morning b/w 8:30 and 9:00 for their morning 'toilette' and breakfast klatsch.
In addition to numerous Cardinals, Mockingbirds, Blue Jays and Catbirds:
Warblers - B&W, BT Blue, Magnolia, Yellow-throated, Yellow-rumped, Pine, Palm, Norther Parula (along with several others that I'm not certain of ID).
BG Gnatcatcher (scads)
Blue-Headed vireo (3)
White-eyed vireo
Least flycatcher
Eastern Phoebe
American Redstart (1 fem)
Painted Bunting (1 fem)
Downy Woodpecker (6)
Red-bellied Woodpecker (5)
The absence of raptors presumably permitted such a gathering. However, in the previous few days I've seen Coopers, Red-shouldered, Northern Harrier and Osprey perched or circling above. No sign of the GHOs.
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