NAMC: A.D. Barnes, Matheson, Kendale Lakes (09/17)

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Posted by Carlos Sanchez on 20:27:21 09/17/11

Migrants were few and widely scattered at both Matheson Hammock and A.D. Barnes today, with only 8 warbler species but some interesting highlights nonetheless.

My day started off at Matheson where I quickly tallied Yellow-chevroned Parakeets and Orange-winged Parrots in the open area on the west side of Old Cutler Road. Some effort into birding the weedy areas furnished me with a nice Blue Grosbeak for the day. Along the service road and nature trail, I had more passerine migrant diversity, including a first fall Baltimore Oriole, a Veery, and two Yellow-throated Vireos. A rather cursory drive around the marina area added several shorebirds, including two Short-billed Dowitchers which are unusual for the park.

After lunch, I did a Common Myna round-up (I got 9) and had an unpleasant surprise in the form of two Egyptian Geese at a local lake.

A.D. Barnes was very, very quiet with very few migrants but I did add a Northern Waterthrush for my day's effort. I finished the day with 8 warbler species and a few other odds and ends:

49 Muscovy Duck (Domestic)
6 Mallard (Domestic)
2 Egyptian Goose
20 Double-crested Cormorant
2 Anhinga
7 Brown Pelican
2 Great Egret
37 Cattle Egret
60 White Ibis
2 Turkey Vulture
10 Black Vulture
6 Common Gallinule (Moorhen is so much better)
10 Semipalmated Plover
4 Killdeer
3 Willet
17 Ruddy Turnstone
5 Sanderling
4 Least Sandpiper
2 Short-billed Dowitcher
5 Laughing Gull
1 Royal Tern
282 Rock Pigeon
23 Eurasian Collared-Dove
68 Mourning Dove
4 Monk Parakeet
12 Yellow-chevroned Parakeet
2 Orange-winged Parrot
5 Ruby-throated Hummingbird
1 Belted Kingfisher
7 Red-bellied Woodpecker
4 Gray Kingbird
2 Yellow-throated Vireo
9 Red-eyed Vireo
10 Blue Jay
21 Fish Crow
1 Barn Swallow
24 Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
1 Veery
7 Northern Mockingbird
1 Brown Thrasher
20 European Starling
9 Common Myna
11 Ovenbird
4 Worm-eating Warbler
3 American Redstart
7 Northern Parula
3 Black-throated Blue Warbler
2 Yellow-throated Warbler
9 Prairie Warbler
1 Northern Waterthrush
16 Northern Cardinal
1 Blue Grosbeak
2 Common Grackle
22 Boat-tailed Grackle
4 Red-winged Blackbird
1 Baltimore Oriole

56 species.


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