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Posted by Dave on 07:29:58 05/03/11
Just a summary of this past weekend's birding/photography:-
Lucky Hammock - Nothing, extremely quiet
Annex - Northern Parula, American Redstart, B&W, Cape May
Entrance to Everglades - Eastern Bluebird, Common Nighthawk (perched)
Anhinga Trail - White-eyed Vireo
Gumbo Limbo - Nothing
The Mound - Black-necked Stilts, Cottonmouth
Key Largo - Gray Kingbirds, lots of Cape May, Black-throated Blue, Blackpoll
Miami - White-winged Parakeet (corner of 57th Ave. and Blue Lagoon)
Green Cay - Least Bitterns, Brown-headed Cowbird
Wako - Least Bitterns - a few out in the open, Least Terns, Egyptian Geese, Purple Martins
Evergreen Cemetery- Spot-breasted Orioles, Coopers Hawks, Chimney Swifts, Screech Owls (2 juveniles peeking out of the hole), American Redstart, Red-eyed Vireo
Here's a few photos:
Cooper's Hawk
Eastern Screech Owl
Spot-breasted Oriole
Least Bittern
Common Nighthawk
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