Posted by Wanda Soto on April 17, 2004 at 14:46:55:
My husband and I spent about 1 1/2 hours birding at Sandy Ridge Sanctuary yesterday. Along with he ever present Blue Jays, Red-bellied Woodpeckers, and Northern Cardinals, we saw 5 warbler species: Palm, Prairie, BT Blue, Ovenbird, and my first Worm-eating. A Yellow-billed Cuckoo checked us out briefly, and while we stood under a Gumbo Limbo, a Carolina Wren flew out of the thicket next to us to perch right over our heads and serenade us. What a lot of volume for such a little bird.
Today while visiting Tall Cypress Natural Area, I was watching a pair of Prairie Warblers working an area when I spotted another Worm-eating. For about a minute it worked the tree next to the boardwalk I was standing on, so it was almost close enough to touch.
I got new glasses Thursday, who knew it would make such a difference? :)