Posted by Robin Diaz on April 09, 2004 at 13:09:08:
Cape Florida remains slow this week. The wind shift Tuesday seemed to suck many birds out of the area. This morning there were 9 warbler species, including Northern Waterthrush, Worm-eating and a "singing" Yellow-breasted Chat. Also seen this week were Prothonotary and Swainson's (2) Warblers. Other signs of migration: Merlin (2), Peregrine, Broad-winged Hawk, Belted Kingfisher, Yellow-billed Cuckoo and Black-whiskered Vireo.
Of interest yesterday at Lucky Hammock/Annex: Barred Owl (2), Cape May (3), _singing_ Palms (2), Indigo and Painted Bunting (7, including 2 adult males, singing).