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Posted by John Hutchison/Russ Titus on 11:25:07 02/15/11
We Birded Loxahatchee road this AM. At the Circle "H" Ranch gate the Lincolns Sparrow ( continues) along the west side of the gate in bushes along the marsh. Meadowlarks singing in fields.
Migrating we had Robins (395-flying northwest), Tree Swallows -5000 ( two large kettles).
At the Air boat parking lot we had a SNOW GOOSE fly overhead, along the lower trail to the south we had Parula (4), Magnolia (1). Screech Owl -1. Rough-wing Swallow-35. Ground Doves-6
We crossed the pedestrian bridge up onto the Dike of the refuge and walked a considerable distance south. Ani-NO
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