Flamingo, ENP 10/10

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Posted by Bryant Roberts on October 11, 2001 at 00:06:50:

I did a quick loop through the camping areas by way of Eco Pond
yesterday (10/9) and found only one new bird for this fall, a
Northern Harrier working east against a 20+ mph head wind with
surprisingly little effort. During about a half hour period 3 Broad-
winged Hawks, 1 Merlin, 1 American Kestrel, and 12 Barn Swallows also
passed eastward. The Brazilian Pepper control project is proceeding, and
the area between A Loop and the Trailer (T) Loop has been cleared. They
are now working around the north side of B and C Loops and these areas are
now closed. The trail around Eco Pond has been opened for the time being,
the eastern third still hasn't been done. It was a relief to see that the
fig trees and the Sea Oxeye and Saltbush patches on the north side of the
trail along with the are still there. These have been good places for
sparrows and Buntings.

Today (10/10) I got out to Bear Lake Road and Bear Lake Trail for a
few hours, the only surprises were a rather late Louisiana
Waterthrush and my first Blackpoll this fall. Here are the totals:

Double-crested Cormorant - 5 (until recently I've only seen single
birds here)
Tricolored Heron - 1
Turkey Vulture - 3
Osprey - 6 (passing eastward)
Northern Harrier - 1 (passing eastward)
Sharp-shinned Hawk - 2 (passing eastward)
Red-shouldered Hawk - 3
Broad-winged Hawk - 3 (passing eastward)
American Kestrel - 2 (passing eastward)
White-crowned Pigeon - 40
Belted Kingfisher - 3
Red-bellied Woodpecker - 3
Great-crested Flycatcher - 4
White-eyed Vireo - 5
Red-eyed Vireo - 1
American Crow - 4
Barn Swallow - 10 (passing eastward)
Gray Catbird - 1
Brown Thrasher - 4
Northern Parula - 1
Black-throated-blue Warbler - 11
Prairie Warbler - 5
Palm Warbler - 2
Blackpoll - 1 (first of season)
Black-and-white Warbler - 7
American Redstart - 3
Worm-eating Warbler - 1
Ovenbird - 25
Northern Waterthrush - 3
Louisiana Waterthrush - 1
Common Yellowthroat - 1
Hooded Warbler - 1
Northern Cardinal - 1
Painted Bunting - 3

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