Posted by Robin Diaz on January 05, 2004 at 15:08:20:
Michelle Davis and I made a quick stop at Lucky Hammock this morning and relocated the Bell's Vireo I first saw 11/16/03. Take the dirt track on east side of Aerojet Road and turn north (left) at plowed field. Continue along the edge, checking the taller vegetation, until the large ficus-type tree is to the left. Its behavior and physical description are same as initial post and it still hangs out with a White-eyed Vireo.
Other birds of interest: 4 Northern Waterthrush (including Annex), Grasshopper Sparrows, Yellow-breasted Chat, both bunting species and a flock of ~50 American Pipits next to hammock proper. Brushy fringes are again plowed under, so sparrow habitat is reduced, although Savannahs use the weedy areas in the field.