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Posted by Bill Boeringer on 18:45:00 09/11/10
I met Roberto "Migration is overrated" Torres and Trey "I need a new camera" Mitchell for an early morning at AD Barnes. There were plenty of birds around, and by 9:30 we had 13 species of warbler, including Prothonotary and Blackburnian, and we heard at least 2 warblers (B&W and Ovenbird) singing.
By far the most common birds were Prairie Warblers and Red-eyed Vireos.
Other highlights included a flyover Peregrine Falcon at 0700, Blue Grosbeak, several Summer Tanagers, Baltimore Oriole, and 2 Eastern Wood-Pewees.
We ran into Paul Bithorn and Kevin Sarsfield, who will post their own highlights, but they had a Veery for sure.
We also found a Florida Box Turtle, and a very small Rat Snake being harassed by a feral cat (which we shooed off).
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