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Posted by Toe on 19:08:32 08/30/10
I dodged the rain this afternoon, or at least tried, in hopes of finding a good warbler. After seeing last week's reports from the Gulf coast of Hoodeds, Ceruleans, Kentuckies, and other good warblers, and going out there and finding nothing other than, well, nothing, I threatened to hang up my binoculars for the rest of fall migration if I didn't find a good warbler before the end of August. I walked the service road and found a couple of birds, but nothing too notable. However, I had a feeling there was more around. Where the service road opens up, just past the Australian pines, I walked north, past the entrance to the hammock trail, and continued on the path along the edge of the hammock. To the left (west) there is some grass with some trees covered in Sewer Vine. Just past 8-9 Royal Palms there is a medium sized tree on the right with some native type vines on it. The Kentucky came up to the lower branches and called several times, giving me excellent looks, even as I talked to Trey on the phone. After checking out the other birds in the area, I started walking north and heard the Kentucky again, but even closer this time giving me even better looks. It obviously knew I didn't have the camera with me at it taunted me. "Hey, look at me, I'm beautiful. Quick, get a shot. Oh, you don't have the camera? Tear."
Here are the coordinates:
Lat 25 deg, 41' Long 80 deg, 16' 40.82"
I had my first double-digit warbler day of the season, and had to leave to avoid the massive shower on the way. I guess I can keep birding, for now. The complete warbler list:
Northern Parula
Black-throated Blue Warbler
Yellow-throated Warbler
Prairie Warbler
American Redstart
Worm-eating Warbler
Northern Waterthrush
Louisiana Waterthrush
Kentucky Warbler
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