TAS Trip to Merritt Island

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Posted by Brian Rapoza on December 08, 2003 at 17:59:06:

Ellen and Todd Snow led a carpool trip to Merritt Island this weekend, in which (according to my count)100 species were seen. Highlights included three Purple Sandpipers (one at New Smyrna Dunes, and two at Jetty Park), 13 other shorebirds, including Red Knot and Wilson's Snipe, 11 species of ducks: Mottled Duck, Mallard (one), Blue-winged Teal, Green-winged Teal, American Wigeon, Northern Shoveler, Northern Pintail (abundant), Gadwall (one), Lesser Scaup, Ring-necked Duck, and Hooded Merganser (in impressive numbers), both American and Least Bittern, Sora, numerous Bald Eagles, Sandhill Cranes and Roseate Spoonbills, and extreme close-up looks at feeding Northern Gannets. Other wildlife seen included Wild Hog, White-tailed Deer, Armadillo, Bottle-nosed Dolphins, Manatees, and a Loggerhead Turtle.

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