Yet another trip report

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Posted by Paul on December 01, 2003 at 21:17:02:

Thanksgiving weekend: Wednesday through Sunday. Hot and buggy for three days and then beautiful 59 degree days. Saw the vermilion flycatcher...what a regular that little guy is. Right on the wire, or flood gate at Dade Greenway Park, just like clockwork. Harriers at the research center inches above the grass tops. Also many deer in the fields along reserach road. A noticeable absence of cardinals, thrashers, and not much warbler activity because of the high winds. Saturday was brutal...steady at 15 gusting up to 35 at Flamingo. The pelican squadron overflights had their echlon formations shredded by the gusty winds. Willets were prevalent along the shoreline by the campgrounds as was more garbage then I have seen at the site in years. Mostly corona beer bottles and fast food wrappers.

Peregrine falcon was working Mrazek pond and keeping the green winged teal, blue winged teal, several pintails, a shoveler, scads of coots and mottled ducks very, very alert. Also, two alligators were teasing the birds by drifting up to them.

Osprey are nest building all around Flamingo: "Boat lift Betty" is on the boat lift mechanism, "Parking Lot Pearl" is in the stunted mahogany in the trailer parking lot, "Fast Lane Laura" is in the dead tree on the straightaway, "Melanie Meteorologist" is on the wind gauge tower, and off course who can forget "Pylon Paula" on the channel marker by the marina basin. All busy hollering and screaming at one another. For those up early at Flamingo Marina go to the bait shop and catch the black-capped night heron fighting with the junior bird over dead shrimp throw aways. The show starts promptly at 5:30 AM. What else you got to do while drinking your coffee?

Eco-pond was lacking a little this trip....I sure do miss those white eyed vireos that used to hang in the Brazilian Pepper trees. Now the area is cleaned up (so that the cudjo can overrun everything) and the little Vireos are not quite so prevalent.

At Gumbo Limbo Trail, (Royal Palm Hammock) entrance, consider turning and walking straight west down the grass pathway that looks like something from Wizard of Oz. It is a beautiful grass path that goes through the old oak grove with many royal Palms. This was the base road of old that used to go to Flaming until the road was rerouted. Now it is the beginning of a bicycle or walking trail. The canopy cover is simple impressive and a reminder to us "oldies" of the way it used to be. But the bird life is considerable, tree snails are abundant as are native Florida orchids. On cool or cold days this is a very pleasant and overlooked stroll. I enjoy it more than the asphalt Gumbo Limbo Trail.

I tried to renew my membership in the Burmese Python Club but the critter didn't show this year. Several visitors reported to me that had seen numerous bobcats. That probably explains the noticeable lack of marsh rabbits.

Anyway, the Glades is wet, water is high, the waders are dispersed, but it is all in the cycle of seasons. If you are thinking of coming here....just do it! And the snook and red fish are hitting "big time." And that is a great way to end a perfect birding day...fresh fish dinner.

And Marie, if your reading this, glad to have met you and shared my meager rations. Sorry it had to be in the dove killing fields on opening day.

Oh yes, 6 Hill Mynas eating debris french fries at the Shell gas station. Uggh. What a way and place to get a sighting.

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