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Posted by Toe on 12:44:00 07/09/10
Hey folks, just a reminder that Fall migration really begins in summer. Most of our North American breeders have done their thing and will be migrating south almost as I type this. This is especially true for shorebirds with the very long migrations they undertake. July is a really good month to find some great birds. In previous years I ve had some awesome birds in July, including:
Tropical Kingbird
Red-billed Tropicbird
Wilson s Phalarope
Upland Sandpiper
Hudsonian Godwit
Sooty Shearwater
Manx Shearwater
Greater Shearwater
Common Tern
I ve been seeing Chimney Swifts in flocks of 6-8 birds each day, obviously congregating in preparation to head south. Most of the Purple Martins around my place have left already; I was seeing them do the same congregations a couple of weeks ago. Shouldn t be long before we start getting our first fall migrants. Too bad last time Trey went by Cutler Wetlands it looked like a bathtub. That sucks; it looked GREAT on June 30th. If I had all the money and power in the world, I d take over that place and manage it properly year-round. Oh, and I d do that whole curing disease and world peace thing too, maybe.
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