Blue-gray Gnatcatcher - Yes!

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Posted by Toe on 12:50:56 06/19/10

That was our reaction when we found one this morning for the June Challenge. Bill, Trey and I went down Tamiami, from Krome to the county line, looking for more birds for the month. We found all our targets save for Limpkin and King Rail. Plus we had a bonus: a flock of 4 Wood Ducks that flew over us as we were stopped at one of the pull-offs on Tamiami between the entrance to Loop Road and the county line. Other good birds included a Snail Kite at the first structure about a mile west of Krome, and a couple of Yellow-billed Cuckoos at Shark Valley. Here are some of our more interesting birds:

Wood Duck (4)
Wood Stork
Snail Kite
Purple Gallinule (1 Everglades Safari Park)
Yellow-billed Cuckoo (2 Shark Valley, 1 Everglades Safari Park)
Pileated Woodpecker
Eastern Kingbird
White-eyed Vireo
Tufted Titmouse (~1,000 feet from the county line)
Carolina Wren
Blue-gray Gnatcatche
Northern Parula
Common Yellow-throat

I guess you don't always need a 15+ warbler day to have fun!

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