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Posted by Toe on 22:09:17 05/23/10
In Reply to: Toe's pelagic posted by Dan Irizarry
Sorry to take so long, but I've been really busy AND tired since the trip. Here's a really big thanks to our adventurous crew. Although the forecast called for 2-3 ft. seas, I can safely say the weatherman really munched a waffle on this one. Man was it rough! I checked the readings after getting home and from 9:00 am on the winds at Fowey Rocks lighthouse picked up to 20 kts from the NE. By that time we were past 1,000 feet of water and the seas continued to pick up throughout the day to 4-6 ft. with an occasional 7 footer thrown in. Pretty sporty weather in a 25 foot boat. I tried taking photos, but the birds were really moving fast and the seas made it impossible to give chase. Still, I got a few distant shots. I sent the photos so Tray can post.
Thanks again to the crew!
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