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Posted by Jocelyn on 18:33:56 05/08/10
Gary and I covered Larry & Penny Thompson Park, Castellow Hammock and the Chekika area for the NAMC. We were out from 6:45 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. and had 600 individuals with 40 species. Here's our list:
Boat-tailed Grackle - 42
Common Grackle - 40
Collared Dove - 131
Mourning Dove - 50
White-winged Dove - 18
Rock Pigeon - 10
European Starling - 38
Northern Mockingbird - 55
Northern Cardinal - 24
Bluejay - 23
Red-winged Blackbird - 13
Loggerhead Shrike - 9
Gray Kingbird - 1
Great-crested Flycatcher - 3
Brown Thrasher - 3
Red-bellied Woodpecker - 29
Purple Martin - 6
Monk Parakeets - 23
Eastern Towhee - 1
Common Myna - 2
House Sparrow - 12
Fish Crow- 3
American Crow - 4
Osprey - 1
Red-Shouldered Hawk - 1
Black Vulture - 2
Turkey Vulture - 9
Eastern Meadowlark - 1
Common Nighthawk - 5
Muscovy Duck - 18
Moorhen - 5
Spotted Sandpiper - 1
Cattle Egret - 4
Snowy Egret - 1
Great Egret - 2
Great Blue Heron - 2
Little Blue Heron - 1
Anhinga - 2
Blackpoll Warbler - 1
Northern Waterthrush - 2
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