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Posted by John Hutchison on 09:35:40 04/29/10
Very Slow day today:
Westin hotel Complex, Cypress Creek Prky, FTL
Veery (4) Good views, 2 were calling note: soft "Hue" note. Much of the area is not accessible, I beleive there was probably a flock.
Northern Waterthrush-3
Black/ white-2
Black throated blue-1
Warbler Wetlands NE 21 st south of Commercial ,north of Prospect:
Northern Waterthrush-5 ( one singing complete song)
Cape May-1
Old Oriole Parking lot field, north of commercial, just west of Powerline RD there is a pair of Burrowing Owls with young close to the road. A "T" marks the burrow.
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