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Posted by Paddy Cunningham on 15:31:40 04/13/10
Although not as spectacular as recent finds, it is nice to know that this developed wetlands has produced Sora and Marsh Wren on my last 3 visits with South FLorida Audubon Society. They can be found in the lake/marsh area more than half way up the trail after it opens up from the more narrow channels. Each time they were seen on the left side of the path near where there is a loop and bench area. The Marsh Wren was singing and Sora was moving secretively out of the Cattails. We had 40 species on 4/11 and a nice variety for a wetland-Limpkin, Indigo Bunting, Grey Kingbird, Greater Yellowlegs, Prairie Warbler, Chimney Swift and a large flock of Cedar Waxwings. Plantation Preserve can be found along the golf course-1/2 mile east of University Dr. on Broward Blvd. Turn right into the entrance. Drive into the parking area near the playground and walk the nearby paved path. Good Luck! Maybe a good spot for the possible 2nd week of December walk?
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