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Posted by John Hutchison on 18:11:47 03/27/10
Trip report: Markham Park. Long Key and Evergreen. 13 people for a great day with great birds. Many warblers few species but double digits for Praire, Parula and Black and white.
Markham Park; Highlights: Clay -colored Sparrow (opposite dog park over bridge and down mowed path to the right), Marsh Wren-2, Sedge Wren -2 (1H and one glimpse),Purple Gallinule (1).
Long Key:Screech Owl,RT Hummingbird, Pileated and close view of warblers. Thanks to a junior young birders sharp eyes and efforts (Tim Scherzer).
Evergreen Cemetery: Black crowned night Heron-(1), Yellow crowned Night Heron-(1) Chuck -will Widow- (1) great view (Thanks Mark Birnie), Prothonotary Warbler- (1) low south end of Evergreen ove rthe water.
Great Day of birding ,great weather, fun birders and a great TAS lunch feast picnic!!!!
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