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Posted by Audrey OBX NC on 12:53:31 03/27/10
This morning between 0645 and 0745, the sparrows were vocal and 3 of them teed up and gave me great scope views. I was 0.5 to 0.75 miles south of the Mahogany Hammock turnoff (just like last yr)
0800 Mahogany Hammock highlights:
2 Barred Owls
6 White-crowned Pigeons in the crowns of the Mahogany trees
Slim on warblers
Stopped at Long Pine Key in hopes for the W. Spindalis -- NOT
10am Research Rd, Swallow-tailed Kite on nest in pines after turnoff from Royal Palm. It is the first Pine stand on the rt. You can observe the nest from Research Rd. There is an overgrown rd on the east end of the pine stand and the nest tree is about 100 ft in from this rd and about 100 ft from Research Rd. Observing from Research Rd, the pine leans slightly rt and there is a pine behind it that leans at a 45degree angle (the two trunks make a lopesided "x"). Nest is near the top of the pine on front edge. Hard to see unless bird is sitting on the nest. Later, the nest was empty but two ST kites were circling the same area and one landed in a nearby pine (not the nesting tree)] end of highlights in ENP
Continued to the dirt rd to Hidden Lake but all was quiet.
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