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Posted by Robin Diaz on 11:12:31 03/01/10
The La Sagra's Flycatcher in Bill Baggs Cape Florida SP is now also "on the books" for the spring sightings period. I found it this morning along the dirt Nature Trail, 220 yards south of the white gate area. It was actively hunting insects in the Green Buttonwoods on the west side of the trail. This is directly across from Pond 4. It called 10-12 times at 8:55 AM and 4 more times at 9 AM. Its buddy, the banded Magnolia Warbler, was with it. Since the bird has been in the park 6 weeks and seen by many, I won't continue posting every sighting.
The La Sagra's that Carlos and I found on 12/17/09 in ENP also continues. This bird has been shy but John Boyd took a great photo this weekend. See his post below.
There are subtle signs of migration in the park, including increasing numbers of Northern Parulas, Common Yellowthroats, Yellow-throated, Palm and Prairie Warblers. A Worm-eating Warbler was also present but I'm unsure if it's a wintering or migrant bird.
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