La Sagra's Flycatcher and Short-eared Owl

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Posted by Paul Bithorn on 21:45:44 02/06/10

Had the pleasure of birding with Jocelyn and Gary Baker and Tom Mitchell at Bill Baggs Cape Florida State Park in search of the La Sagra's Flycatcher. The bird gave us several excellent looks over a time span of two hours from 8:45 a.m to 10:45 a.m. and gave its soft whit call several times. The bird was constantly moving north, south, and west of the white gate. It seemed to favor the dirt road in front of the bathrooms constantly moving from the powerlines to the seagrapes. Hugh Garrett from Atlanta was able to get great looks at the bird within minutes of arriving at the white gate. Upwards of 20 Northern Parulas, Common Yellowthroat, Prairie, Palm, Black and White and Yellow-throated Warbler and a male Painted Bunting were also in the area along with a Whip-poor-will. Magnificent Frigatebird was seen flying over the island south of Crandon Marina.

At dusk, Walter and Sue Wallenstein, Hugh Garrett, Judd Patterson and Rock Jetty joined me for the Short-eared Owl/Lesser Nighthawk vigil at Lucky Hammock.The nighthawks were a no-show but the Short-eared Owl, with its moth-like flight, flew right over our heads. Life is good..................... quaffing a tasty Old Rasputin Russian Imperial Stout to celebrate a great day of birding.

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