Raptor Show near Lucky Hammock

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Posted by Robin Diaz on 15:15:07 01/13/10

The right conditions today put up lots of raptors over the large field north of Aerojet Road. Along with Turkey Vultures and a few Black Vultures the following were seen: Norther Harrier (4, including adult male); Red-tailed Hawk (2, including a classic "Eastern" and a darker young bird); Short-tailed Hawk (4+, including a juvenile dark morph); Swainson's Hawk (2, including a light intermediate morph adult and a sub-adult bird that is probably a light itermediate morph); Peregrine Falcon; American Kestrel (3). The birds all had varying types of plumage/ages or were seen together so it was fairly easy to keep track of them.

A workman told me that the construction taking place in Frog Pond WMA is "for a canal" so if anyone from SFWMD can add more information, it's appreciated.

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