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Posted by Carlos Sanchez on 21:29:27 01/08/10
I went back to Matheson again to do some more patch birding, picking up several more birds for my patch list. On the west side, the feeding flock with the Orange-crowned Warbler revealed more if its members which included a White-eyed Vireo and a pleasantly surprising Worm-eating Warbler (first I've seen in winter) -- interesting that this feeding flock is composed entirely of middlestory species with no upper canopy species.
Another feeding flock on the west side had all the typical members (warblers, vireos, gnatcatchers) in addition to a Black-throated Green Warbler. The tall grass on the west side had an Indigo Bunting molting into its blue spring plumage.
On the east side, the live oaks were hopping with a small army of Blue-gray Gnatcatchers (~20), half a dozen Blue-headed Vireos, two Yellow-throated Vireos, a Ruby-crowned Kinglet, and a scattering of the more common warblers. The two Brown-crested Flycatchers seem to be associating with this feeding flock and were very vocal today, calling frequently ("whit!"). Robin stopped by and saw them almost immediately for her Bird-A-Day effort.
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