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Posted by Trey Mitchell on 17:20:53 11/11/09
Toe suggested we look for rails at Cutler Wetland. I arrived about 20 minute before sunrise and immediately heard many birds that were already calling. Plenty of Coots, Ducks and Yellowlegs were calling as well as something I wasn't familiar with. It was a shorebird flying and calling, I was able to ID the birds as Snipes as a couple flew in front of me then landed at the edge of the grass. Then I hear the distinctive whinny of a Sora calling off in the distance. I was hoping to hear a Virginia Rail, but didn't. I did have a King Rail call twice. There was an interesting honk call that came from the middle of Cutler Wetland. It didn't sound like the honk of a coot, but I guess it could have been. It just made me think about the possibility of a goose showing up. Just about everything stopped calling as the sun broke the horizon.
I didn't see the Ruddy Ducks this morning, but did see 5 American Widgeons, three more than I had seen previously. Toe wanted to go look for sparrows at Dump Marsh so we made a quick trip over there and only found one Savannah, but we were hearing more in the brush that wouldn't show themselves. Toe found a Yellow Warbler by the bridge with the gate. We also had Palms and a Waterthrush sp....otherwise pretty quiet.
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