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Posted by Jocelyn on 14:04:32 04/26/09
In Reply to: Fork-tailed Flycatcher @ Ft. Zachary Taylor posted by Toe
On Saturday, Gary and I along with Roxanne and Carlos headed down to Key West hoping to see the Yellow-faced Grassquit. We did not see the Grassquit and were told by others that it hadn't been seen for the last two days. Our consolation prize though was being there in time to see the Fork-tailed Flycatcher! It was around 1:30 p.m. and in the open area at the end of the nature trail, facing the fort. At one point we had the Fork-tailed plus a Gray Kingbird sitting in the same tree. There were also many warblers all over the place, including Hooded, BT Blue, Worm-eating, Cape May, Northern Parula. There was also Indigo Buntings around the trail area, plus a Wood Thrush.
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