Foe Elsa - My Chile/Argentina Bird List

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Posted by Stephen Paez on 21:05:34 03/24/09

Hey Elsa, here is my list for Chile and Argentina. I too found no other birders while there and birded mostly by myself or with relatives that found my hobby "amusing" (they were sometimes distracting but usually curious and often found themselves suddenly interested in birds they had seen all their lives without truly noticing them ex: Southern Lapwing). I also used Alvaro Jaramillo's excellent book (Birds of Chile) along with Birds of Chile by Sharon R. Chester, Aves de Patagonia y Antardida by Narosky and Yzurieta (for Argentina). While in Temuco I purchased Las Aves de Chile by Daniel Martinez Pina (small, heavy and complete book with all chilean birds) and Aves de Santiago by Juan Aguirre and G. Egli, with photos of the commoner Stgo. birds. I birded inland and not as far south as you did therefore the lack of gulls, penguins etc. Always near or in the Andes, both in Argentina and Chile. Anyway, here is the list:

Elegant Crested-Tinamou (Argentina)
Kelp Gull (Bariloche)
California Quail (Chile)
S. Lapwing (everywhere)
Great Egret (Chile)
Cattle Egret (Argentina)
Black-Faced Ibis (Arg. and Chile)
Chilean Flamingo (Arg.)
Black-Necked Swan (Chile)
Ashy-Headed Goose (Arg.)
Flying Steamer-Duck (a pair in freshwater lake, Flightless never in fresh water according to books)
Crested Duck - Ch.
Spectacled Duck - Arg.
Yellow-Billed Pintail - Arg.
Blue-Winged Teal - Ch. and Arg.
Cinnamon Teal Ch and Arg
Red Shoveler Ch.
Turkey Vulture everywhere
Black Vulture everywhere
Black-Chested Buzzard-Eagle (spectacular bird soaring over Grand Canyon-like landscape in Argentina)
Long-Winged Harrier Arg.
Variable Hawk Ch. and Arg.
S. Caracara Arg.
Mountain Caracara Ch. (loved this one)
Chimango Caracara (common everywhere)
Am. Kestrel Ch. and Arg.
Aplomado Falcon Arg.
White-Winged Coot Ch.
S. American Snipe Ch.
Rock Pigeon (everywhere)
Chilean Pigeon Ch.
Eared Dove (everywhere)
Picui Ground-Dove Ch. and Arg.
Black-Winged Ground-Dove Ch.
Picazuro Pigeon Arg.
Spot-Winged Pigeon Arg.
Austral Parakeet Ch.
Burrowing Parrot Arg.
Monk Parakeet (Santiago, Chile)
Green-Backed Firecrown Ch.
Rufous-Banded Miner Ch.
Common Miner Arg.
Dark-Bellied Cinclodes Arg.
White-Throated Treerunner Ch. (quite tame)
Thorn-Tailed Rayadito Ch.
Plain-Mantled Tit-Spinetail Ch.
Chucao Tapaculo Ch.
Great Shrike-Tyrant (my favorite for trip) Chile
White-Browed Ground-Tyrant Ch.
White-Crested Elaenia Ch.
Great Kiskadee Arg.
Tropical Kingbird Arg.
Tufted Tit-Tyrant Ch. and Arg.
Chilean Swallow Ch. and Arg.
Blue and White Swallow Arg.
S. House Wren Ch.
Austral Thrush (everywhere)
Chilean Mockingbird Ch.
Chalk-Browed Mockingbird Arg.
Blue and Yellow Tanager Arg. (beautiful)
Austral Blackbird Ch.
Shiny Cowbird Arg. and Ch.
Long-Tailed Meadowlark Ch. and Arg. (beautiful)
Patagonian Sierra-Finch Ch.
Plumbeous Sierra-Finch Ch.
C. Diuca-Finch Ch. and Arg.
Rufous-Collared Sparrow Ch.
House Sparrow (everywhere, quite pale in Arg.)
Black-Chinned Siskin Ch.
Grassland Yellow-Finch Ch.

Both countries are beautiful and luckily have tons of relatives in both countries so I will definitely be back. I missed some birds I really wanted to see:
Condor, Moustached Turca, White-Throated Tapaculo, the Huet-Huets, the Fire-Eyed Diucon and the Negritos. Maybe next time.

No follow-ups on out-of-state trip reports.

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